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Industrial automatic purge screen filter, 3 inches – super


The filter can be used for mechanical filtration, both industrial and irrigation systems.

50, 100, 200 microns filtration degree – recommended for industries based on the consumers’ needs.

130 filtration degree – recommended for the protection of pipes, pumps, irrigation systems.

Screen cartridge – recommended for wheel / drill water. Commonly used to remove sand.


  • Factories – processed water, water for food & beverage, bottled water (along with other equipment)
  • Residential and commercial buildings; logistics halls.
  • 1st stage placed before other filtration systems.
  • Irrigations – agriculture, viticulture;

Technical specifications:
Dimensions: H: 750mm; D: 190mm;
Distance between threads: 335mm

Filtration degreeFlow rate
50 microns36 m3/h
100 microns43 m3/h
130 microns50 m3/h
200 microns50 m3/h

Filtration area: 1520 cm2
Inlet/Outlet: 3 inches, exterior thread
Purge valve: ½”
Body material: PA6GFR30 plastic
Closing ring: metal
Screen cartridge: SS304 stainless steel with plastic support
Maximum water temperature: 60°C
Maximum pressure: 8 bar.

Other information:

The purge time can be set to a minimum of 15 seconds.

The filtration period without purge can be set to a maximum of 16 hours.

Automatic purge operating conditions:

  • 220V electric power;
  • Drain for purged water.

There is no need to replace the cartridge. It can be cleaned / washed. On request, a replaceable cartridge can be delivered. 

Warranty: two years for natural persons and a year for legal persons.

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