The sand separator has no cartridge inside, as the cyclonic method is used for sand separation. The water’s speed makes the sand hit the container’s walls and because it is heavier than the water, it falls at the bottom.
The hydrocyclone sand separator’s maintenance consists of automatic water purge on a regular basis which dislodges the dirt. The purge is carried out by the automatic opening of the valve that is located at the base.
The water flow mentioned below is important to get favorable results because the stronger the phenomenon is, the more efficient sand separation will be.
To better separate the sand, it is recommended to use either a screen or a disc filter as the 2nd stage in the filtration process.
Technical specifications:
Dimensions: H: 1154mm; L: 580mm; W: 206mm;
Minimum flow rate: 30 m3/h
Maximum flow rate: 40 m3/h
Inlet/Outlet: 2 ½”, exterior thread
Purge valve: ¾”
Body material: PA6GFR30 plastic
Maximum water temperature: 60°C
Maximum pressure: 8 bar.
Warranty: two years for natural persons and a year for legal persons.